iPad By Davis: “Grand Theft Auto 3 gets updated for the iPhone 5 display and iCloud game saves” plus 19 more |
- Grand Theft Auto 3 gets updated for the iPhone 5 display and iCloud game saves
- 13-inch MacBook Pro prices for education customers dropped by $100
- GTA San Andreas and Vice City for Mac on sale at Amazon - grab the pair for under $8!
- Mobile Nations podcast 21: Announcing Talk Mobile 2013!
- Rock out even harder with your guitar and iOS using Amplitube 3.0 and iRig HD
- Apple vs. Android: The marketshare mentality, and why it's a mistake
- How to hook up an Xbox 360 controller to your Mac
- Notable New iPad Apps: World War Z
- Best iPad Presentation App Updated, Adds Keynote Support & More
- The Transit App updates with real-time vehicle location, and... goes free as in totally free!
- Tweetbot for Mac updated with profile cover photo support, media timelines, and more
- Olloclip companion app for iPhone review: Control the distortion effects created by your Olloclip 3-in-One lens system
- How to find and delete duplicate songs in your iTunes library
- Head's up: Talk Mobile podcast at 2pm ET, more party tickets available at 12pm ET!
- May the force be with you: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic comes to the iPad
- Google Play Music All Access officially launching on iOS
- Wunderlist Pro allows you to assign tasks, create unlimited subtasks, and more
- Objection! Phoenix Wright Trilogy now available for iOS
- Apple says more than 100 million iPod touch units sold since 2007
- Wunderlist Pro allows you to assign tasks, create unlimited subtasks, and more
Grand Theft Auto 3 gets updated for the iPhone 5 display and iCloud game saves Posted: 30 May 2013 04:23 PM PDT Grand Theft Auto 3 for iOS just got a nice little update that brings proper widescreen support now for the iPhone 5, iCloud game saves and custom music playlists. For such a major title, it's a little disappointing it's taken so long for it to support the 4-inch display on the iPhone 5, but better late, than never. iCloud game save support is a pretty big addition, and is a big deal if you want to seamlessly switch between playing on your iPhone and your iPad. We haven't tried it out yet, but if it works as well as we hope it does, GTA 3 is back on the playlist. Speaking of playlists, the latest update now allows for custom music playlist creation for listening to while your driving around shooting things. Create a playlist in iTunes called "GTA3" and you'll be able to listen to your music as you roam around Liberty City. If you've already downloaded, be sure to tell us how the new features are working out for you. Does the iCloud syncing work as well as it should?
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13-inch MacBook Pro prices for education customers dropped by $100 Posted: 30 May 2013 03:30 PM PDT Education customers looking for a new Mac could do worse than picking up a 13-inch non-Retina MacBook Pro following a set of price cuts. $100 has been chopped from the price of both spec 13-inch Pro's, with the cheapest now costing $999. For that, you get the 2.5GHz Intel Core i5 model with 4GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive. Add $300 to that and you can pick up the 2.9GHz Intel Core i7 version with 8GB of RAM and a 750GB hard drive. The price cuts on these two MacBook Pro's puts them now $200 below the consumer retail price, which is quite a saving to be had for education customers. The pricing on the 15-inch non-Retina and 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro's remains unchanged. This comes of course follows the news that Apple announced the new, cheaper 5th Generation iPod Touch. Anyone out there going to jump on this one for school? Or perhaps a present for a lucky son or daughter? via MacRumors ![]() |
GTA San Andreas and Vice City for Mac on sale at Amazon - grab the pair for under $8! Posted: 30 May 2013 02:51 PM PDT Amazon currently has some pretty great savings on two classic Grand Theft Auto titles, with the pair costing less than $8! San Andreas and Vice City have both gone on sale, and the digital downloads can be yours for just $3.75 for San Andreas and $2.50 for Vice City. That actually means you can pick up the Mac version of Vice City for less than you could on your iOS device! Neither title packs the graphical punch of some of the latest titles, but the Grand Theft Auto titles offer huge open worlds to explore, complete missions, and generally get up to all kinds of things that aren't fit for writing about. Grab them from the links below, and wave goodbye to your weekend. ![]() |
Mobile Nations podcast 21: Announcing Talk Mobile 2013! Posted: 30 May 2013 02:01 PM PDT Kevin Michaluk of CrackBerry, Phil Nickinson of Android Central, Daniel Rubino of Windows Phone Central, and Rene Ritchie of iMore come together to talk about… Talk Mobile 2013! What is it, how will it work, and just how awesome will it be? Find out!
Show notesHosts
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![]() This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Rock out even harder with your guitar and iOS using Amplitube 3.0 and iRig HD Posted: 30 May 2013 01:25 PM PDT IK Multimedia has introduced a new version of their Amplitube app, which enables iPad and iPhone users to model amps and effects pedals virtually. The new release, 3.0, adds timeline audio editing and new gear models. Amplitube 3.0 has been reset as a mobile recording studio, not just an amp and stompbox simulator. You can record up to eight tracks (four on the iPhone). "Effects freeze" is a new feature that remembers the signal chain setup per track, so you can "reamp" or try a different set of effects on a track non-destructively. Amplitube Studio provides waveform-based track editing with full control over signal chain, effects, recording and mixing functions. The new release of Amplitube coincides with the introduction of the $99.99 iRig HD, a mobile guitar interface. The device sports a 1/4" jack on one end to plug into your guitar, and comes with Lightning and 30-pin dock connector cables for attaching to an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. (It can also work with synthesizers, keyboards, mixers and other devices with line-level output.) It also comes with a USB cable to connect to a Mac or PC. The device unlocks free amps and stompboxes when paired with Amplitube. This is quite a change from the original iRig product, designed to work specifically with iPods, iPhones and iPads using just the headphone jack.
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Apple vs. Android: The marketshare mentality, and why it's a mistake Posted: 30 May 2013 01:23 PM PDT Last week Techpinions.com posted a really good editorial by John Kirk discussing how much of a joke it is to consider Android the winner in the smartphone space simply because they have the most market share. The very next day, Business Insider tech editor Jay Yarow pubished a post with a headline that read, "Apple Should Be Furious That It Has Such A Tiny Sliver Of The Smartphone Market." Here's John Gruber's response at Daring Fireball. And here's my take... John Kirk opens with a well known joke about two farmers buying watermelons. They pay $5 per watermelon and sell them for $4 each, obviously losing money. At the end of the day they realize they've lost money so their conclusion is they need to buy a bigger truck; they need to conduct more watermelon-selling business. Kirk doesn't agree with the common, deeply flawed, logic that Android is winning because it has more market share than Apple, or that market share alone is the key to success. I agree with him 100% on this. In theory anyone can dominate any industry simply by giving away product for free. But what really maters is a company's success in turning market share into profit. Most tech writers don't seem to be able to learn from the past. Most tech writers don't seem to be able to learn from the past. People will make dumb comments about how Apple must be pissed off with its market share without noticing that the PC vs. Mac game has played out in the same manner already. History repeats itself and people don't notice. Fortunately Horace Dediu over at Asymco noticed. The graphic below is the result of Dediu's own analysis of Q4 2012 profit share in the PC market. Apple commands an estimated 45% of the PC market's profits. What is not shown? Apple has only 8% market share. Why aren't people writing about how mad Apple must be with its Mac market share? Why are we not seeing headlines about the failure of the Mac product line? Because this is old news. The PC market is an old game and the mobile industry is a new game. It's analogous to watching live sports versus watching a recording of last year's game. I only wish John Kirk had spent more time talking about actual vendors rather than Android versus Apple. He points out that Android has 70% global market share and 29% profit share, whereas Apple has 18% market share and 57% profit share. Sure, this is correct. But I don't see it as relevant. Android is an OS and Apple is a vendor. Android feeds Google's advertising machine (and other developing business models). Apple is a fully integrated platform vendor. In my opinion, Google has done an amazing job of succeeding with Android. The joke about selling watermelons at a loss does not apply here. Android is software that has no cost to distribute. It has a development cost and it brings in revenue through all the users who connect to Google services. Google makes a ton of cash from iOS users, who overwhelmingly enjoy Google's services on their iPads and iPhones. Is Google winning? It depends on how you define the fight. Google is not competing head on with Apple. Google makes a ton of cash from iOS users, who overwhelmingly enjoy Google's services on their iPads and iPhones. Apple competes head on with other device manufacturers including Samsung. And there is no debate that Samsung, having leveraged Android, is raking in the cash. Samsung has 33% market share and 43% profit share according to Cannacord Genuity. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that pretty much all the other Android vendors aren't making money. This takes us to back to Business Insider. They suggest that bloggers writing about Apple's dominance in profit share are simply defensive. They agree with the math but seems to think Apple should have the most market share and the most profit. Why? Because Tim Cook said Apple's mission is to make the best products in the world and BI tacks on the idea that Apple should also "get them in as many hands as possible". BI's entire argument centers on the idea that Apple should want it's great products to land in "as many hands as possible", and the only way to do this is by going after market share (not profit share). Most people probably all agree Apple should get its products into as many people's hands as possible, but we may not all agree on what that actually means. I don't think getting your product in as many hands as possible means you drop your prices through the floor in order to sell more stuff. Apple is still a business that is owned by shareholders, of which I'm one. Getting your products into as many hands as possible while maintaining the Apple premium should be the goal. Otherwise Apple should be spending its billions to give away iPhones, which would be stupid. Bottom line: I think John Kirk and John Gruber have it right. Taken to the extreme, the idea that Apple should use its cash to give away phones to the planet in order to achieve 100% market share and win the game is ludicrous. Market share does not define winning. All we need to do is look back at the history of Apple's domination of PC profitability to see how this really works. ![]() |
How to hook up an Xbox 360 controller to your Mac Posted: 30 May 2013 01:18 PM PDT I like playing games on my Mac, but as a console gamer at heart, I much prefer the joypad to the keyboard and mouse. In particular, racing games like Dirt 2 -- recently acquired as part of the awesome Feral bundle -- just don't feel right to me controlling them with a keyboard. Not to mention the immense discomfort I'm feeling after a session. The solution; hooking up a controller. And, since the Xbox 360 controller is common, not that expensive, and easy to connect, that's the route I went. So, lets show you how you can do it too. I'm using a wired Xbox 360 controller, but you can use a wireless one but you'll need to purchase a receiver to plug into your Mac. Since the wired controller has a standard USB port on the end, it seemed like the easiest option. To make it work, you're going to need to pick up a driver. The one we want is the Tattiebogle driver. Download the latest disk image, open it up and go through the install process. Once completed, your Mac will require a restart. When you're back up and running, opening up the System Preferences pane, you'll see a new option under Other named "Xbox 360 Controllers." This is where you check that the controller is working, and can set it up to your liking by inverting the axis on the analog sticks on the controller. For some games, this is all you'll need to do. Dirt 2, for example, has gamepad support built in and so the controller works perfectly with it once you select it as the preferred control method for the game. For the times your controller isn't supported out of the box, something like Joystick Mapper or Gamepad Companion could be your salvation. Available to download via the Mac App Store, Joystick Mapper sells for $4.99 and Gamepad Companion is $7.99. Their purpose is to configure your controller to act as a keyboard and mouse, with you getting the chance to dictate which buttons map to which keyboard presses. That's about all she wrote. From here on out you should be good to go with your Xbox 360 controller and your Mac games. If you've hooked up a game controller to your Mac, let us know what it is, how you did it and why you like it in the comments below! ![]() |
Notable New iPad Apps: World War Z Posted: 30 May 2013 12:56 PM PDT World War Z is a new iPad game, released today, based around the upcoming zombie hordes movie. This looks like the official app, published by the makers of the film. Here's a bit of its App Store description: Get dropped into the middle of the World War Z chaos! This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Best iPad Presentation App Updated, Adds Keynote Support & More Posted: 30 May 2013 12:18 PM PDT Electric Slide, the best presentation app I've seen for the iPad, has been updated this week and added support for Apple's Keynote app. Version 2.0 of Electric Slide was released a couple days ago and it's a substantial update for an already superb app. Here's a quick rundown of why I rate Electric Slide as the best iPad presentation app: – It takes away all the worry and hassle of presenting in just about any environment. You don't need to worry about adapters or cables or AirPlay or compatibility with whatever projector or TV will be in the area you present in. All you need is any device with a web browser. You type in a URL, open your presentation in Electric Slide, hit 'Broadcast', and fire away. – It now supports Powerpoint, Keynote, and PDF formats, and the 'Open In' feature of iOS. – It's easy to use and leaves you free to walk around a... This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Transit App updates with real-time vehicle location, and... goes free as in totally free! Posted: 30 May 2013 01:01 PM PDT I'm late with this. Not late in that I missed my train and bus, because the Transit App has ensured I haven't missed a single trip in almost a year. But late in covering that The Transit App updated to version 2.0 earlier this week and I'm just now telling you about it. Sorry for that. Here it is! When Apple announced iOS 6 Maps it was without the transit routing directions that the previous, Google-powered version of Maps provided. That created an amazing opportunity for apps just like The Transit App. And they've been making the most of that opening. They've always been among the best looking apps on the App Store, and they're increasingly one of the most feature-filled. So what's new in The Transit App 2.0? Real-time vehicle locations, new transit modes settings, autocomplete for recent locations, new sorting order in nearby mode, improved schedule popover, and more. It's also gone free. No more subscriptions. Just you and everything The Transit App has to offer. From a prepared statement:
If you takes planes, trains, or subways, and you live in one of the 37 cities supported, check out The Transit App now. Free - Download now ![]() |
Tweetbot for Mac updated with profile cover photo support, media timelines, and more Posted: 30 May 2013 11:14 AM PDT Tweetbot for Mac has just been updated with a few new features as well as some minor bug fixed. The most notable additions are media timeline view which lines up now with the iPhone and iPad version, profile cover image support, and some changes to tweet views. The largest new feature in the 1.3 update is the addition of the new media timeline. This view filters all your tweets to only show those with media attached. To access the media timeline, just open Tweetbot and type cmd + f and you'll see a search bar drop down and to the right of that you'll be able to toggle between media and regular timeline views. Other changes include a reworked tweet detail screen that now shows information on retweets and favorites. You'll also notice support for profile cover images that wasn't there before. Some other minor enhancements have also been made in regards to how you can interact with profiles and timelines. Mainly how certain click actions will scroll to the top or return you to a different view. If you've installed the update and notice anything not mentioned in the release notes, let us know in the comments below
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Posted: 30 May 2013 11:06 AM PDT If you're the owner of an Olloclip 3-in-One lens system, the awesome photography accessory that converts your iPhone's camera lens into a macro, wide angle, or fisheye, then the Olloclip companion app is a great choice for taking photos when using the Olloclip. It includes a mesh editor that lets you adjust the distortion effects created by olloclip as well as some other useful tools. When taking a photo with the Olloclip app, you can choose to separate the exposure and focus, a feature that is becoming quite popular in camera apps. There are also three different modes: Video, Normal, and Macro. In the Macro mode, you can trigger a loupe that zooms in even more so you can make sure you get your focus just right. After you've taken a photo (or opened one that's saved in your Photo Library), you can head into the Mesh Editor tool to adjust distortion and curvature. Although it's not the most interesting of photos, the screenshots above show how this tool can help correct distortion created when using the wide-angle lens. And if you're interested in emphasizing the curvature and distortion, you can do that too. The good
The bad
The bottom lineIf you have an Olloclip 3-in-One lens system, there's no reason you shouldn't pick this one up. It's the perfect companion to an awesome accessory.
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How to find and delete duplicate songs in your iTunes library Posted: 30 May 2013 10:43 AM PDT If you've got a hefty iTunes library that's been transferred over from Mac to Mac or PC to PC, odds are you've run into issues with duplicate songs. It happens from time to time and as your library grows, so do the problems that come with it. For the most part, ridding your library of duplicate tracks is a pretty painless process. Here's how: How to show all song duplicates in iTunes
It's important to note that sometimes iTunes can confuse different mixes and slight variations that come on different albums. So make sure what you're deleting is actually a duplicate and not a remix or version from a different album. That's why we recommend using the exact duplicate option explained in the steps below. How to show only exact song duplicates in iTunes
Other optionsIf you're still having issues or have a massive library that requires a more powerful and less time consuming option, apps like TuneUp can not only automatically clean up duplicate tracks, but also replace missing cover art and fix album titles. If you're looking for something more slimmed down with a lighter price tag, Song deDuper is a cheaper option and available in the Mac App Store. Song deDuper allows you to narrow using several criteria and can clean out your library without the need for you to manually delete duplicates. It's not as powerful as suites like TuneUp but it does what it says it will, and does it well.
If you've used other software to remove duplicate tracks from your library, let us know what you used and how well it worked in the comments. Especially you Windows users out there! ![]() |
Head's up: Talk Mobile podcast at 2pm ET, more party tickets available at 12pm ET! Posted: 30 May 2013 07:24 AM PDT It's an insane week here at iMore and Mobile Nations, with Talk Mobile 2013 just around the corner, and things are in no way slowing day! Here's what's headed your way today! More better party tickets!First up, we ran out of tickets for the June 9 Talk Mobile kickoff party in NYC incredibly quickly, and we've been flooded with people asking if we can squeeze them in. So, here's what we're doing-- today, at 12 noon, we'll be releasing another wave of tickets. If you missed your chance at getting in on the party yesterday, don't miss it today. Make sure you're at http://talkmobile2013.eventbrite.com at 12 noon and get in on it fast. There's a maximum of 2 tickets per order, so plan around that. Remember as well, if you're not in NYC and would like to attend, you can win a free trip to the event - all you need to do is jump over to talkmobile2013.com and sign up for updates and you'll be entered to win (ends Friday at midnight PT). Talk Mobile PodcastWe haven't done a Mobile Nations podcast proper in a while, and we need to talk with all of you about all the cool things Talk Mobile will be bringing your way. So we're doing it today. Kevin, Phil, Daniel, and I will talk all things Talk Mobile. It'll be on the front page, and on imore.com/live at at 11pm PT/2pm ET. You should join us! ![]() |
May the force be with you: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic comes to the iPad Posted: 30 May 2013 10:07 AM PDT Widely regarded as one of the best Star Wars game there has ever been, Knights of the Old Republic is now available to play on the iPad. Originally an Xbox title around 10 years ago, KotOR has been adored by many since then, and will forever be remembered by fans of not only Star Wars, but RPG games in general. The game hits the Star Wars timeline 4000 years prior to the Empire, when the Jedi Order was at war with the Sith. It falls to you to master the Jedi powers and save the Republic, or fall victim to the lure of the dark side. The game's control system has been completely re-designed and optimized for the iPad and the touchscreen environment. All the worlds from the Star Wars movies are here, and your party can be made up from a choice of 9 different characters from the series. Build your own Lightsaber, master 40 different Jedi powers, it's all here. You'll need to be using at least an iPad 2 to play this, running iOS 6 and above, and have a whopping 2.5GB of free space available for install. But it's all worth it. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is available to download from the App Store now for $9.99, and may the force be with you!
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Google Play Music All Access officially launching on iOS Posted: 30 May 2013 09:16 AM PDT Google's SVP of Android and Chrome, Sundar Pichai, dropped a pretty huge piece of news our way at the D11 conference; Google Play Music All Access is coming to iOS. Currently, there's unofficial apps that will get you into Google's new streaming service, but it's pretty huge news that Google is bringing it to iOS in an official capacity. Streaming seems to be the big talk of the moment, and with Apple rumored to be launching their own 'iRadio' service at some point Google bringing their service to iOS is pretty big. We've often mused that the best Google phone out there is in fact the iPhone 5, and today's announcement is just another piece of that. All Access will be a $9.99 a month subscription service, though if you're interested, sign up before June 30 for a discount on that to $7.99 You can sign up on the web, and a 30-day trial is also available. Pichai said that their engineers are currently "working like crazy" to bring All Access to iOS, the biggest question is when exactly we'll see it. Pichai said on stage that it'll launch "in a few weeks," but nothing more concrete than that. Interestingly Pichai also stated that Google sees iOS users who want their services as regular Google users, and that they want to make sure their products and services work for them. An interesting point of view. So, anyone excited for All Access? Source: Engadget ![]() |
Wunderlist Pro allows you to assign tasks, create unlimited subtasks, and more Posted: 30 May 2013 08:58 AM PDT The popular task management app Wunderlist has been updated recently to support pro subscriptions. While the basic version of Wunderlist gives you free sync across devices, the pro version will let you create an unlimited amount of subtasks, assign tasks with other users for better collaboration, and more. A Wunderlist Pro account is available as an in-app purchase. The actual app remains free as always. You can either choose to pay $4.99 a month or $49 a year. Along with the above mentioned features, you'll also get lots more backgrounds to choose from, the ability to share all your lists, and more. The activity center of Wunderlist will then aggregate all the lists you've shared and actions taken upon them. A pro account is most likely ideal for those who need to collaborate as a team on lists and projects. For the price, it's not a bad option either. If you haven't checked out Wunderlist yet and you're looking for a new task management app, you can try out the free version and upgrade to pro in-app whenever you'd like.
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Objection! Phoenix Wright Trilogy now available for iOS Posted: 30 May 2013 08:38 AM PDT Time to dust off your best suit and head for the courtroom, as the Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy has arrived for iOS. Available to download now from the App Store for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, this single app contains three of the classic courtroom battle titles from Capcom; Ace Attorney, Justice for All and Trials and Tribulations. Originally released for the Game Boy Advance, and then later the Nintendo DS, Ace Attorney sees you assume the role of the lead character, Phoenix Wright, a defense attorney. From there on out you take on a multitude of cases, presenting your evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and shouting "objection!" a lot. It's a lot a fun to play. You can play it in landscape mode for better visuals, or in vertical mode for more efficient gameplay. The app is a free download, and for that you get to play out the first two cases. After that, you can either buy each of the three titles one at a time, or as a bundle. The bundle for all three will cost you $16.99, with individual episodes priced at either $5.99 or $6.99. Having played this on the Nintendo DS in the past, I'm really happy to see this come to iOS, and already I've shouted "Objection!" too many times today! How about you guys?
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Apple says more than 100 million iPod touch units sold since 2007 Posted: 30 May 2013 08:32 AM PDT Apple has sold more than 100 million units of the iPod touch since its introduction in late 2007. Jim Dalrymple of The Loop reported that Apple informed him of the milestone this morning.
This comes on the heels of this morning's announcement of a new 16GB iPod touch. The iPod touch has proven itself to be a very popular product, accounting for more than half of all iPods sold. More than just a media player, the iPod touch has also become the primary gaming device for many, rivaling companies like Nintendo and Sony in the portable gaming space. Parents looking to get their children a smart device without the hassle of a contract often pick up the iPod touch, with the parental controls allowing them to manage the content that their children see. While many think of it as just an "iPhone without the phone", the iPod touch has proven to be a great device, for both Apple and consumers, in its own right. Source: The Loop ![]() |
Wunderlist Pro allows you to assign tasks, create unlimited subtasks, and more Posted: 30 May 2013 08:58 AM PDT The popular task management app Wunderlist has been updated recently to support pro subscriptions. While the basic version of Wunderlist gives you free sync across devices, the pro version will let you create an unlimited amount of subtasks, assign tasks with other users for better collaboration, and more. A Wunderlist Pro account is available as an in-app purchase. The actual app remains free as always. You can either choose to pay $4.99 a month or $49 a year. Along with the above mentioned features, you'll also get lots more backgrounds to choose from, the ability to share all your lists, and more. The activity center of Wunderlist will then aggregate all the lists you've shared and actions taken upon them. A pro account is most likely ideal for those who need to collaborate as a team on lists and projects. For the price, it's not a bad option either. If you haven't checked out Wunderlist yet and you're looking for a new task management app, you can try out the free version and upgrade to pro in-app whenever you'd like.
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