martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

iPad By Davis: “Apple reportedly in negotiations to add Foursquare data to iOS Maps” plus 15 more

iPad By Davis: “Apple reportedly in negotiations to add Foursquare data to iOS Maps” plus 15 more

Apple reportedly in negotiations to add Foursquare data to iOS Maps

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 09:00 PM PST

Apple is reportedly interested in adding data from the popular location-based check-in app, foursqure, to iOS Maps. That's according to Jessica E. Lessin and Spencer E. Ante of the Wall Street Journal:

The talks, which took place in recent weeks and involve Apple senior vice president Eddy Cue, are the latest sign of Apple's plans to more tightly integrate local services into the iPhone and iPad. The discussions with New York-based Foursquare come as Apple has been talking to a number of companies that collect local data to improve its new mapping product. The maps service, released in September, has had a rocky reception and faces fierce competition from Google.

foursquare collects data about where users go, as well as sentiment and commentary about those places. Whether this would actually improve the quality of Apple's currently middling local search and point-of-interest data, or would merely offer more and more varied data, is hard to say. Apple already sources data from TomTom and Yelp, among others, but has had considerable problems aggregating, cleansing, and qualifying it.

The WSJ also says:

Before he died last year, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs told at least one associate that he thought Apple could compete head-on with Google in local search, according to the person he spoke to.

There's no way to know how much broken-telephone is included in that quote, or any information on how Apple planned to actually accomplish the goal, but here's the thing -- Apple replaced the Google-powered iOS 5 Maps app with the non-Google-powered iOS 6 Maps app, so now they are competing head-on with Google in local search. There's no "think" about it.

Local search is table stakes now on mobile. Apple has to nail it. foursquare is interesting, but getting iOS 6 Maps to the point where it's reliable is vital.

Source: Wall Street Journal

New Mobile Theme for iPad Insight

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:08 PM PST

If you're browsing iPad Insight tonight on an iPad, iPhone, or Nexus device you'll notice we've now got a new mobile theme for the site. The new theme just went live about 30 minutes ago and we're still working out a few kinks, so expect to see some more changes and enhancements to it over [...]

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Letterpress 1.2 brings shared replays, improved dictionary, and more

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 03:28 PM PST

Letterpress, the popular word game that won runner-up in Apple's 2012 iPhone Game of the Year category, has been updated with the ability to share replays of your completed games to Twitter, Facebook, Mail, Messages, or simply copy the link to share wherever you want.

When I first heard about the new replay feature, my initial reaction was "meh", but now that I've seen it, I think it's kind of cool. It simply displays the game with a "slide to play" element that let's you progress through the game one turn at a time. The words that are played are also displayed at the bottom. The only thing missing is the score of the game after each turn. I really hope that gets added in a future update. To see the example of a replay, click here to watch a game I just finished. You can view replays on your iPhone, iPad, or computer.

Some of the other changes included in this Letterpress update include a bunch of little tweaks, an improved dictionary, better handling of orientation changes on the iPad, and a clarification of what "prefix" means in the rules. atebits also reminds players that "Christmas" is a proper noun and thus not a valid Letterpress word. He also threatens to monetize our eyeballs in the release notes (jokingly of course!).

Some features I'd like to see in the future include in-game chat and the ability to save a small list of words that I may want to play in a future turn. iMore's Editor-in-chief, Rene, disagrees with me on the latter, however, and says it would be cheating! So, I want to know your opinion on the matter. Is the ability to store words in-brain a key component to Letterpress, or do you think being allowed to save a few words would improve the game?

What do you think about the update? Planning to use the replay feature to show of your skills? What other features would you like to see added to Letterpress?

Reminder: Get Your Video Submissions in for The Mobile Nations 2013 CES Experience!

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 02:52 PM PST

Well folks, the response so far has been tremendous in The Mobile Nations 2013 CES Experience. The list of entrants is growing steadily, and we would like to thank ALL that have entered thus far.

That said, if you haven't submitted your entry yet, what are you waiting for??? If you're selected, you could join us and NVIDIA at CES 2013. Airfare, hotel and a pass to the show is all included… along with 'insider access' to some cool events, and even a few nights out with the Mobile Nations and NVIDIA teams. It's going to be a blast.

For all the details, check out the official post. Keep those submissions coming in!

Snapheal One of Apple’s Best Mac Apps of 2012 & On Sale at Half Price

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 01:58 PM PST

Snapheal is a superb Mac app that makes it easier than easy to fix and modify your photos. It is especially brilliant at removing unwanted objects in a flash with just a few clicks. I'm happy to see it was recognized by Apple in their listing of the Mac App Store Best of 2012. Here's [...]

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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Star Trek: Into Darkness trailer hits iTunes

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 01:29 PM PST

Star Trek: Into Darkness is the sequel to J.J. Abrams reboot and re-imagining of the classic sci-fi series, and the official teaser trailer is now available on iTunes. Thankfully, it looks a lot better than the decidedly not-Star Trek looking announcement trailer that preceded it. This one has, you know, the Enterprise and its crew, rather than just Benedict don't-call-me-Khan Cumberbatch acting all Sith-vengency.

You'll have to wait until next year to catch Star Trek: Into Darkness in theaters, and find out if everyone's favorite Sherlock really is everyone's favorite eugenically altered warlord (or, who knows, Harry Mudd?), but if you want to discuss it now, join me in our movie and TV forum Star Trek: Into Darkness thread.

In the meantime, you can also grab the first movie on iTunes now, as well as a lot of other previous generation Star Trek.

How to fix Wi-Fi network issues on your iPhone and iPad

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 12:45 PM PST

How to fix Wi-Fi network issues on your iPhone and iPad

While your iPhone or iPad should have no issues connecting to Wi-Fi or holding on to a strong signal, issues do arise from time to time. Under iOS 6 many users have been experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity issues. Symptoms have ranged from no signal, to pages not loading within Safari, or the inability to connect to a network.

If you're experiencing any of these issues, follow along for a few tips of correcting network issues.

Forget the network and re-join

Forgetting a network and re-joining it can sometimes kick out bad Wi-Fi settings and allow you to connect normally again. It's the quickest way to see if your issue will correct itself or if you need to explore the problem further.

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on Wi-Fi.
  3. Now tap on the blue arrow next to the name of the problem network.
  4. Tap on Forget this Network at the very top.
  5. Tap on Forget when the menu prompt confirming you want to forget it comes up.
  6. Tap the Wi-Fi tab in the top left to return to the previous screen.
  7. Now tap on the Wi-Fi network name in order to re-join it.
  8. Type in your network password if you have one and then hit Join in the upper right hand corner.
  9. You should now see a checkmark by your network name again indicating that you joined it successfully.

That's it. Open Safari or another app that requires web access to be sure that you now have network connectivity. If you don't, move on to the next section. If you do, that's as far as you need to go.

Reset iPhone and iPad network settings

If you're still having issues after re-connecting to your network of choice and you are sure it isn't your router or home network, resetting all your network settings may solve the issues. You won't lose any media or content except for networking settings. This means you'll have to re-enter logins and Wi-Fi passwords as they'll be completely cleared.

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on General.
  3. Scroll down all the way to the bottom and tap on Reset.
  4. Tap on the option to Reset Network Settings.
  5. If you have a password lock on your iPhone or iPad, you'll be asked to enter it now.
  6. Confirm you want to reset your network settings by tapping on the red button labeled Reset Network Settings.
  7. Your device will reboot.

Once your device reboots, try connecting to a Wi-Fi network again to see if the wireless connectivity issues have been resolved. If not, continue on to the next step. If Wi-Fi is once again functioning properly, you don't need to continue on.

Restore your iPhone or iPad

If issues keep persisting, it's a good idea to do a complete software restore to rule out any remaining software issues. If you aren't sure how to completely back up and restore your device, you can check out our guides on how to restore using iCloud and how to restore using iTunes.

Swap your iPhone or iPad for a new one

If you're still experiencing issues after attempting all of the steps above, all is not lost. If you're under warranty, we'd suggest heading to your nearest Apple store and explaining to them that you've tried all of the above steps and still experience issues with Wi-Fi connectivity. Most likely, they'll swap your device out for a new one or can troubleshoot further to figure out the root of the problem.

DIY repair the Wi-Fi antenna

If you aren't under warranty and don't to pay for an out-of-warranty replacement device, it may be a good time to DIY repair it yourself. While we don't yet have guides for everything, we've already got a large amount of DIY repairs covered for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and more.

Check them out and see if it's something you're willing to fix on your own. If not, you can always use a mail-in service such as The Pod Drop where a repair will most likely run you a lot less than an out-of-warranty replacement from Apple and come with a warranty.

If you have a repair place by you, just make sure you're asking questions about what kind of parts they use and how long they warranty their work for before committing to using them.

Google releases YouTube Capture for iPhone

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 12:37 PM PST

Google has released YouTube Capture, an app dedicated to recording videos for quick upload to YouTube, Google+, Facebook, and Twitter simultaneously. You can also touch up your videos with color correction, stabilization, trimming, and music tracks.

One of the best features of YouTube Capture is not so much for the user, but everyone else who will watch the recorded videos -- forced landscape recording! A disappointing feature of YouTube Capture, however, is that the highest quality of video you can record is 720p even if you're using a device that supports 1080p.

Google has done a great job with YouTube Capture, but given its basic functionality, I can't help but wonder why they just didn't add these feature to the official YouTube app instead of requiring that users use two different apps.

Have you had a chance to try out Google Capture, yet? What do you think? Will you use it even though it doesn't support 1080p?

The Respawnables - a free, fun, run and gun

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 12:28 PM PST

The Respawnables was enjoying a limited release in Canada leading up to its global roll-out this weekend. I've been playing for the last week or two, and have really enjoyed the third-person-shooter's cartoony style, straightforward controls, and rich selection of unlockables.

The controls are extremely simple and easy to to use. There's a standard dual-joystick set-up, where the left-side joystick moves the player and panning anywhere on the right side changes the camera angle. The firing button can be moved while being held down to adjust aim, though there are two alternative controls schemes available in the options, including a Y axis inversion toggle and a sensitivity slider. Aside from that, the only other distractions are the reload and grenade buttons - no jump, no duck, no iron sights. For the third-person shooter style, this is perfectly fine, though there are on occasions where you'll be frustrated by very small ledges that seem like you should be able to hop over.

The single-player game is currently not much more than a three-minute deathmatch where players try to fulfill up to three challenges. There are longer-term achievements to earn as well. Of course, you also earn experience points and cash along the way, which allow you to kit out your character with new pants, tops, hairdos, perks, and weapons. Those first three might sound like complete vanity items, but not so - a little known fact of modern warfare is that a flat-top cut can actually improve your accuracy. There are also consumables, such as explosives and boosts to cash and experience point gain.

My only serious complaint about progression is that many of the unlockables are hidden behind the premium gold currency. It's not that this isn't unexpected (especially from a Zynga game), it's just that the push towards in-app purchases is a little more steep than I would like. Some of the perks are unlocked exclusively through the premium currency, which give those that pay a decided advantage online. Many of the higher-powered pieces of equipment also require premium currency, with no option to buy them with the regularly-earned in-game cash.

It's generally easy enough to find multiplayer games (despite my poor luck in the video). Even with the fairly simple controls, there's a significant amount of challenge. Sniper rifles feel a tad on the overpowered side right now, though it's still early in the game's launch and I suspect plenty of tweaks will be made in short order. By the same token, I'm sure sooner than later we'll see more than free-for-all and team battle game modes. One vital feature that The Respawnables will need to stay viable is social tools, even if they're just Game Center plug-ins. Friending other players and chatting with them privately is hugely important to multiplayer gaming on mobile and elsewhere.

The visuals in The Respawnables are flawless. Players are exaggerated, animated, full of character and color, and despite the violent nature of the game, there's no gore anywhere. On the audio side, I felt the sound effects were a little muffled and repetitive, but the music is top-notch and gets you right into the action movie feeling.

The good

  • Simple, streamlined controls
  • Tons of style
  • Plenty of unlockables

The bad

  • Aggressive push towards in-app purchases
  • Lack of multiplayer game modes and friending options

The bottom line

The Respawnables is a colorful, accessible, action-packed romp. The simple controls, bright style, and wide array of unlockable items makes for a really enjoyable experience, though the balance feels a little too heavily tilted towards getting people to make in-app purchases. I trust that a wider range of items that you can buy with in-game cash rather than premium gold will make things a little bit easier (even if the cash item equivalents aren't unlocked until later). I'm looking forward to more multiplayer game modes and social options once The Respawnables hits the U.S., but even until then, I've got a really nice laid-back alternative to Modern Combat 4.

Free - Download now

Halfbrick games free for today only!

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 11:50 AM PST

The popular game development company Halfbrick has put their games on sale for one day only. Some of these titles includes Fruit Ninja, Jetpack Joyride, Age of Zombies, and more.

Anyone planning to pick any of these up? What's your favorite Halfbrick game?

Stay organized this holiday travel season with Packing Pro for iPhone and iPad

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 11:32 AM PST

If you're doing any traveling this holiday season, you may want to take a look at Packing Pro to help you stay organized and not forget to pack socks, toothpaste, or eyeliner. This iPhone and iPad app is a full-featured packing companion that has built-in lists, catalogs, great syncing options, and more.

Packing Pro includes full iCloud support to keep your devices in sync, allows you to import and export CSV files, includes over 800 items in the master catalog, and lets you customize the design with themes, layouts, fonts, colors, and textures to fit your style. Packing Pro can also automatically create packing lists for you based on the number of adults, children, days, temperature, destination, food preparation, and laundry preferences. These smart lists are a great starting point that you can edit to your exact needs.

As someone who always forgets a few items every time I travel, I can appreciate what Packing Pro has to offer and look forward to not having to make an emergency run to the store to pickup a toothbrush, a pair of flip flops, or a hairbrush. I will definitely be taking advantage oft this great packing tool the next time I travel.

Are you traveling this holiday season? Do you plan on using Packing Pro or any other similar app to help you pack and stay organized? Also, we'd love to hear where you're traveling to and any other travel tips you may have!

iOS 6.1 beta 4 now available to developers

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 10:21 AM PST

iOS 6.1 beta 4 now available to developers

Apple has just released iOS 6.1 beta 4 to developers. If you already have the iOS 6.1 beta installed, launch Settings, tap General, tap Software Update, and update in-place and over-the-air (OTA). If not, or if you prefer to be traditional about it, you can download the firmware from and load the whole thing over USB.

Ability to Gift Apps on the iPad is Back, with Some New Bells & Whistles

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 09:09 AM PST

When iOS 6 came out it removed the ability to gift an app directly from the iPad or any iOS device – so you had to got to iTunes on a desktop PC to use the feature. A recent update to the App Store has brought back this handy little feature. Now we can gift [...]

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

iPhone 5 gets compared to upcoming BlackBerry 10 L-Series phone

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:45 AM PST

The upcoming BlackBerry L-Series phone and its next-genertaion BlackBerry 10 operating system got caught on video this weekend, and of course that means it was shown off next to the iPhone 5. The video comes by way of Tinhte, who have a history of getting access to pre-release and prototype hardware.

BlackBerry 10 remains a really interesting looking take on a modern mobile computing OS, gesture-centric like the PlayBook OS that preceded it, but molded to better suit the size and needs of a phone. And as to that phone, it's blacked out similar to the iPhone 5 (something BlackBerry's been doing for ages), and angles closer to the Porsche Design BlackBerry Bold.

Overall, it looks hot. Whether it's hot enough, however, to reverse BlackBerry's current misfortunes and beat back Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 to re-solidify them as the number three player in the space remains to be seen. BlackBerry has money, but they don't have much more time. Here's hoping the nail the landing.

BlackBerry should be formally announced the device at the end of the month, and will, as always, be all over it.

Source: Tinhte via CrackBerry

Monday Brief: A high res look at the BB10 L-Series, Google Maps hits the App Store, and more!

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:02 AM PST

Mobile Nations


    Apple sells over 2 million iPhone 5 handsets in China over launch weekend

    Posted: 17 Dec 2012 02:48 AM PST

    Apple sells over 2 million iPhone 5 handsets in China over launch weekendApple has announced that it has sold over two million iPhone 5 handsets in China after just three days since its official launch. The iPhone 5 went on sale in China on Friday December 14 and by end of play on Sunday, Apple had sold over 2 million devices. The roll out doesn't stop in China either; more countries will get the iPhone 5 soon making a total of 100 countries by the end of this year.

    "Customer response to iPhone 5 in China has been incredible, setting a new record with the best first weekend sales ever in China," said Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. "China is a very important market for us and customers there cannot wait to get their hands on Apple products."

    The Chinese market is a massive area for Apple to gain huge market share. Apple currently has deals in place with two major Chinese mobile networks and they are China Unicom and China Telecom. To make the next step, a deal with China Mobile will need to be signed and that would open up the iPhone 5 to the largest mobile operator in China. China mobile currently has over 700 million subscribers but the stumbling block may be the technology that China Mobile uses.

    Its LTE network is built on TD-SCDMA technologies, and TD-SCDMA is only used by China Mobile (China Telecom uses regular CDMA and China Unicom is on UMTS). The iPhone 5 does not currently support that particular flavour of LTE but we are reasonably sure that Apple could rectify that particular problem if the two companies could agree on a deal.

    Source: Apple PR

    iPhone 5 First Weekend Sales in China Top Two Million BEIJING—December 17, 2012—Apple® today announced it has sold over two million of its new iPhone® 5 in China, just three days after its launch on December 14. iPhone 5 will be available in more than 100 countries by the end of December, making it the fastest iPhone rollout ever.

    "Customer response to iPhone 5 in China has been incredible, setting a new record with the best first weekend sales ever in China," said Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. "China is a very important market for us and customers there cannot wait to get their hands on Apple products."

    iPhone 5 is the thinnest and lightest iPhone ever, completely redesigned to feature a stunning new 4-inch Retina® display; an Apple-designed A6 chip for blazing fast performance; and ultrafast wireless technology*—all while delivering even better battery life.** iPhone 5 comes with iOS 6, the world's most advanced mobile operating system with over 200 new features including: Shared Photo Streams, all-new Maps app, Passbook® organization and even more Siri® features and languages including Mandarin.

    *Network speeds are dependent on carrier networks, check with your carrier for details. **Battery life depends on device settings, usage and other factors. Actual results vary.

    Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

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