domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

iPad By Davis: “Cheap iPads sold on Craigslist to lure buyers into car lots to be robbed” plus 9 more

iPad By Davis: “Cheap iPads sold on Craigslist to lure buyers into car lots to be robbed” plus 9 more

Cheap iPads sold on Craigslist to lure buyers into car lots to be robbed

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 01:06 AM PDT

Cheap iPads sold on Craigslist used to lure buyers to car lot to be robbedCheap iPads are being listed on Craigslist with a view to lure potential buyers to quiet car parks where they're being robbed sometimes at gun point. The latest scam comes from Uniontown, Fayette County and WTAE has the full story.

Police said two people who tried to buy iPads listed for sale on Craigslist were robbed in Uniontown, Fayette County. In each case, an iPad was being offered at a low price, and the interested buyers were lured for an in-person meeting. "However, when they arrived in Uniontown, they were instead met by armed men who, at that point, robbed them," Police Chief Jason Cox said. The incidents happened on Dunlap and Hickle streets.

Police told Channel 4 Action News investigator Paul Van Osdol that each victim was robbed of several hundred dollars. One was forced at gunpoint to withdraw money from an ATM. "The victims were pretty shaken up, and it was very clear they were totally unaware of what they were walking into," Cox said.

These types of scams appear to be happening all over the U.S. and all over the world too; we have heard reports of similar types of scams, not that long ago in the UK. That particular scam involved iPhone and iPads in sealed boxes which when opened were filled with water bottles or potatoes.

Deals like these are always a tempting way to grab yourself an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch at a knock down price but you must use a bit of common sense; if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true so stay well away. If you can't pass up on a deal, make sure you at least arrange to meet any potential sellers in a very public place, not in a car lot, late at night.

Have you bought any Apple products through Craigslist or eBay? What advice would you offer to buyers so they can remain safe during a buying meet up?

Source: WTAE

Follow iMore on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google... and WIN fantastic prizes!

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 02:23 PM PDT

Follow iMore on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google... and WIN fantastic prizes!

Here's the deal -- you follow iMore on your favorite social networks, and we give you awesome accessory prizes... EVERY WEEK!

We know our loyal readers already visit daily, subscribe to our RSS feeds and get the iMore Podcast on iTunes, but we wanted to do something a little extra to reward our loyal fans and grow our audience in some of the off-iMore social networking and content sharing sites that iPhone owners hang out and visit.

It's easy! All you have to do is follow iMore on Youtube, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook and as a thank you for doing so we're going to pick a lucky winner each month from among our iMore followers / subscribers / fans on each of these sites to win some great iPhone prizes! That's four winners each month - one picked at random from each site. All you need to do is click the links below to follow us on each site, and just keep following us! We'll pick our four winners on the last day of each month and announce them around the first day of the new month along with the prizes to be won for the new month. You can subscribe to all of Youtube, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook to maximize your chances of winning.

This month we're going to help you keep rocking til the end of summer with awesome Bluetooth speakers! See the list below for links to the sites and the prize you could win on each one.

And don't forget to follow our sensational staff -- they often have extra accessories and apps so you never know when they'll surprise you with something special -- @imore, @reneritchie, @GeorgiaTiPb, @llofte, @iMuggle, @chrisoldroyd, @bla1ze, @phishgirl3!

We'll send out a reminder each week with ways to earn extra entries, so make sure to watch the blogs! Thanks for following, spread the word and good luck!!

Follow iMore and Win Contest FAQ/Details

Eligibility - Open worldwide. In order to participate as a follower /subscriber / fan of the iMore accounts in this contest you must have an account with Youtube, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. We'd love you to follow on us in all four locations (that maximizes your chances of winning) but it's not required. One, two or all four is fine. If you're already following us when this contest starts, don't worry, you're entered automatically!! You must also be a registered member of iMore to be eligible.

Announcing Winners - Winners will be chosen randomly each month. Winning usernames will be posted to the iMore blogs within the first few days of each new month. Winners will be contacted via the respective sites (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube) and once initially contacted the follow-up will be conducted via email to work out details (address for shipping, etc.) on getting the prize. There is no rule against being able to win more than once.

There you have it! Be sure to tune into the blogs around the first day of each month for the winners' announcement and to see what can be won next month. If you have any questions, you can email me at michelle @ - be sure to make the subject Follow iMore and Win Contest!

Introducing ZEN and TECH Parenting

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 10:45 AM PDT

ZEN and TECH is hosted by our very own Georgia, with a little bit of banter provided by yours truly. We don't always post it here on iMore because the subject matter -- how to center your inner geek and de-stress your connected life -- doesn't always directly relate to our focus here -- iPhone and iPads, and Apple stuff.

But Georgia is starting something new with ZEN and TECH that, while still not all about Apple, is something that I think could be of enormous value to a huge portion of our readership, listenership, and viewership.


There's absolutely nothing more important to the future of our world than our children, but while cars require licenses and gadgets come with instruction books, most of us aren't given a lot of help when it comes to the immensely more important job of raising our children.

Georgia's day job is as a therapist, and a highly successful one at that. When she's not reviewing the latest iPhone and iPad gear for us, or chatting on the podcast, she's helping people live better lives, and she's spent years specializing on children and parenting.

She typically charges a small fortune for her work but she's incredibly passionate about it, loves the Mobile Nations community, and wants to share her experience on the off chance (I'd say likely chance) it can help us with our parenting skills.

So, for the next few months, every other episode of ZEN and TECH will focus on parenting, with a ton of tips, and a lot of share experience and insight. If you can join us live, please do. She'd love to hear your thoughts and answer questions. Either way, if you're a parent, plan to be a parent, or are simply interested in the topic of parenting, subscribe to ZEN and TECH via the links above, and if you have friends, family, or colleagues that you think are or should be interested, please help us spread the word.

It's the most important series we've ever done.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Best Free iPad App of the Week: Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal HD

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 10:26 AM PDT

Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal HD for iPad

One of the best things about using an iPad is the great apps that we can run on it. There are excellent apps for just about any purpose you can think of. Better still, there are lots of great free apps for the iPad. Our Best Free iPad App of the Week posts celebrate these apps.

This week's pick is Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal HD – which I'm going to shorten to Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker for most of the remainder of this post. The opening lines on its App Store page create some very high expectations:

Lose weight with MyFitnessPal, the fastest and easiest to use calorie counter (now optimized for iPad!). With the largest food database of any calorie counter (over 1.2 million foods), and amazingly fast food and exercise entry, we'll help you take those extra pounds off! There is no better diet app – period.

Happily, this app absolutely lives up to that description. I've used a few similar apps on the iPhone and iPad and this is easily the best I've seen.

Read the rest of Best Free iPad App of the Week: Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal HD (575 words)

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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Weekly Wrap: Fix Mountain Lion bugs, avoid scary hacks

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Weekly Wrap: Fix Mountain Lion bugs, avoid scary hacks Don't look now, but summer's kind of winding down. Now's the time to go outside with your laptop or iOS device, and catch up on both the sun's rays and Macworld's biggest stories from the past week.

How to delete old backups and other ways to free up space in iCloud

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 09:48 AM PDT

iCloud automagically backs up all of the data on your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. So, if you ever lose, replace, update, or simply restore your device, you can easily get back to right where you left off. Unfortunately, iCloud backup is so automagical that it can quickly fill up the 5GB Apple gives you for free, preventing future backups or forcing you to buy additional -- non free - storage.

Sure, you can go through and delete iCloud emails with hefty attachments, or be frugal about just how many -- and how large --documents you keep in the cloud, but you can also control just exactly what gets backed up, removing anything that's not urgent or important to you, and you can also manually delete old backups from devices you no longer have, or you simply don't need anymore. And that can instantly free up considerable, valuable space for the stuff you do care about.

How to delete an iCloud backup

Old backups, especially if they're for devices you've since lost, given away, sold, upgraded, or otherwise don't have anymore, can be a huge waste of your iCloud space. Likewise, even backups of the devices you do use, if they're several months old, might not be worth keeping around any more. Since all the iPhones, iPods, and iPads you've ever connected to your iCloud account share the same 5GB storage pool, cleaning out what you no longer need can give you back a lot of breathing room. It's easy to do, if tricky to find.

  1. Launch the Settings app
  2. Tap on iCloud
  3. Tap on Storage and Backup
  4. Tap on Manage Storage
  5. Check out your current backups stored on iCloud. (Here you can see two iPhones, including one replaced at the Apple Store last week and so no longer needed).
  6. Tap on the backup you want to remove from iCloud
  7. Tap on Delete Backup
  8. Tap on Turn Off and Delete

That's it, that backup has now been removed and your iCloud account should show a nicer, healthier balance.

How to manually manage what gets backed up to iCloud

Once you've deleted all the old backups you don't need any more, the next thing to check is what's being backed up now, and whether or not all of it needs to be backed up. For example, backing up the Camera Roll can use up a large amount of your iCloud storage. Since Photo Stream captures all the photo data anyway, and isn't counted against your total storage usage, turning off Camera Roll backup can save you considerable space. You will LOSE backups of videos, but those same videos can chew through your free iCloud data allotment anyway. Again, it's easy to see and control what gets backed up to iCloud, once you know where to look.

  1. Launch the Settings app
  2. Tap iCloud near the bottom
  3. Tap Storage and Backup near the bottom
  4. Tap Manage Storage
  5. If you have multiple devices on the same iCloud account, tap on the name of your device
  6. You'll see a list of apps currently being backed up to iCloud. Not all apps will be shown immediately. Too see them all, tap Show All
  7. For any apps you don't really want or need to be backed up, switch the toggle button to Off

The Camera Roll above is 35GB. That could cost you quite a bit in iCloud storage fees. Turning it off, you save a ton of space. Just remember, while Photo Stream will keep your still photos safe, your videos won't get backed up so you'll have to take care of those yourself.

How to downgrade your iCloud storage

If you previously bought more iCloud storage space, and now, after having cleaned out your iClouds, you decide you don't any more, you can make sure you don't get billed again next time your payment comes due. iCloud billing is on a yearly cycle, so chance are you'll still get the extra storage you paid for for a while, but you won't get charged again.

  1. Launch the Settings app
  2. Tap iCloud near the bottom
  3. Tap Storage and Backup near the bottom
  4. Tap Buy More Storage
  5. Tap Downgrade Options near the bottom
  6. Login with your Apple ID password
  7. Choose your new plan from the available options

The downgrade will take effect at your next billing cycle (one year after you bought the additional storage).

How to get more help with iCloud

If you still need help with any other iCloud feature, head on over to our iCloud Forum and ask away! And if you have any of your own tips on saving space in iCloud, leave it in the comments below!

Ally Kazmucha and Chris Oldroyd contributed sections to this articles.

SGP illuzion Leather Sleeve Contest – Winner

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 09:08 AM PDT

This contest got lots of great responses. Thanks to all of you who took part, good to see so many of you are impressed with this sleeve case.
Our lucky winner is: Tim Lundberg.
Tim – congratulations, and please keep an eye on your inbox and spam folders – as I've already sent you an email asking for your shipping address details.
Lookout for more cool contests here soon.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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TechHive: Why you should play Crosswords for iOS

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 08:30 AM PDT

TechHive: Why you should play Crosswords for iOS Over at TechHive, Dan Moren explains why Crosswords is among the bests apps for doing the puzzles on your iOS device.

The Week in iPad Cases: Dream avatar

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT

The Week in iPad Cases: Dream avatar As usual, we've scoured the deepest recesses of the Internet to find this week's latest cases for your iPad.

The Macalope Weekly: Pointless exercises

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT

The Macalope Weekly: Pointless exercises Why do people write some of these pieces about Apple? And is there any way we can get them to stop?

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